we painted these NT03's for a new customer, color matched to his Evo RS white

alot of fiberglass has been making its way in to the shop. cars need to look good for XDC
new stuff for George's FC from Extreme Dimensions

one of Vitaly's sideskirts needed some fixing so we did that

rear bumpers on both cars are having new fiberglass to repair some big cracks

now, ready for paint

front bumper got some to

thats about it for right now, alot going on but you will have to be patient to see the end results. Also we just got some new vinyl; pink, black, and white... so if you want a sticker in those colors holler at us

Man, I wish you guys were in FL. I'm in the middle of a headache of a rim repainting job with - what I thought was - a reputable business.